Grey House

Grey House Upgrade

Stage One of the Grey House upgrade is to be completed over the 2022/23 summer holidays. With the other Boys Houses having had this completed, it is essential we get Grey up to the same expectations.

Stage One

  • New boilers and heating
  • New hot water system
  • Refurbished bathrooms
  • Upgraded communal areas with carpet and paint

The WCS Foundation has already funded $200,000 towards some of the hardware which is in storage, until we have the $1.4m required to complete the project.

Ways to Donate

You may wish to give a one-off donation or make a regular monthly payment. All donations over $10,000 are recognised in perpetuity, and for donations of $25,000, $50,000 or $100,000, there are a limited number of spaces in Grey available for naming rights (individual, or family/friend/cohort groups).

Payment Details:
All donations can be indicated through our online form and received
Bank Direct to WCS Foundation 02-0792-0105264-04
Particulars: Name & Reference: Grey

By Post:
To make a donation by post, please print out our Grey House form.

Gillian Lennox
WCS Foundation
Private Bag 3002
Whanganui 4541 | 06 349 0210 ext 804